‘Flowers of Herself’ soundtracks the opening 5 pages from Virginia Woolf’s 1925 opus Mrs Dalloway, so Studio Richter Mahr commissioned three film-makers to follow in her footsteps from Westminster to Bond St to buy the flowers herself.
“‘Flowers of Herself’ is about the energy of going through a bustling city. The piece has this perpetual motion a little bit like if you’re walking down the street, you’ll see a bus then you’ll see another bus in a different space so there’s a shifting of perspective. ‘Flowers for Herself’ is a celebration of London, the orchestra emulates a busy, vibrant city, fuelled by excitement and pace.”
Directed by Studio Richter Mahr
Edited by Matthias Maercks
Produced by Sean Adams
Animated text by Sabina Dallu
Filmed by:
Samuel Recko
Annick Wolfers
Conducted by Kristjan Järvi
Performed by Baltic Sea
Philharmonic Record label
Deutsche Grammophon